Do You Need an Insurance Agent to Buy Car Insurance?

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Picture of By <span>Aren Mirzaian</span>
By Aren Mirzaian

Updated on July 17, 2023

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Picture of By <span>Aren Mirzaian</span>
By Aren Mirzaian

Updated July 17, 2023

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3 minute read

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insurance agent

If you plan on driving your vehicle on public roads and highways in Canada, you will need to buy car insurance. Generally speaking, you will do so with the help of an insurance agent or through a website. Although either option can help you acquire coverage that meets your needs and budget, it can be much faster and easier to buy car insurance online. Let’s look at the process of buying auto coverage and whether doing it online has its benefits.

What Happens If You Buy Car Insurance With the Help of an Agent?

While it may be possible to purchase auto insurance from an agent over the phone, you will likely need to make an appointment to see that person in his or her office. In most cases, this means waiting several days before you are able to learn more about your options or acquire coverage. If you do buy a policy from your agent, there is no guarantee that you will be able to get your insurance cards right away. Without proof of insurance, you cannot legally drive your automobile, and it may take several days for such proof to be sent to you or to become available to download.

In the event that your current policy lapses while you are waiting for your new policy to take effect, you may face a variety of negative consequences. These consequences may include a higher insurance rate or the prospect of being denied a new policy by your current insurance company. If you get into an accident while driving an uninsured vehicle, you will likely be responsible for paying any damages a victim may incur.

What Happens When You Buy a Policy Online?

Buying a car insurance policy online is ideal because your new policy will likely take effect whenever you want or need it to. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about driving without sufficient financial protection or worry about your existing policy lapsing before your new one takes effect.

Buying Insurance Online

Furthermore, you can typically print out insurance cards as soon as you finish buying coverage, which means that you can start driving right away. It may be possible to print out multiple copies of your cards if you need to do so for any reason.

Perhaps the best reason to purchase coverage online is that you can do so at any time and from any device that has an internet connection. 

There Are More Choices and Less Pressure When Buying Insurance Online

Another key reason to purchase an insurance policy online is that you can compare policies from multiple companies. In most cases, you will be able to get a quote from top insurance companies in Canada within a minute.

This provides you with a greater chance of finding a product that meets your needs and budget. When you meet with an insurance agent, it’s possible that this person will only be able to showcase policies from the company that he or she works for. When you search for coverage on your own, you don’t have to worry about encountering any pressure sales tactics. Instead, you can simply buy the policy that you want when you are ready to do so. Ideally, you will get quotes from at least two different coverage providers prior to making a purchase decision. Typically, insurance websites will provide those quotes on a single page to make it easier to compare your options in a timely manner.

You Can Avoid Communication Barriers and Other Limitations When Shopping Online

Buying a policy online may be in your best interest if you have any type of disability that makes it difficult to travel or communicate verbally. This is because you can purchase and customize a policy from wherever you are most comfortable and without the need to speak to anyone. 

You Can Modify Your Policy Whenever You Want

In addition to making the process of buying a policy easier, the internet can also make it easier to customize your policy. For example, if you want to lower your deductible, increase the amount of coverage a policy provides or take other steps to modify your policy, you can do so with a few clicks of your mouse. It may also be possible to go online to see if you are eligible for discounts that may not have been available when you bought your most recent coverage.


Buying a car insurance policy may not seem like the most pressing matter that you need to attend to. However, without a quality policy, you could be putting yourself in legal and financial peril. Therefore, it’s important to review your auto coverage on a regular basis to ensure that you are covered each time that you travel in your vehicle. Ideally, when it comes time to buy or modify a policy, you will do so online where it can be faster and easier to find what you need.

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