Does Home or Auto Insurance Cover Your Car in Storm Damage

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Article Contents
Picture of By <span>Aren Mirzaian</span>
By Aren Mirzaian

Updated on July 17, 2023

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Picture of By <span>Aren Mirzaian</span>
By Aren Mirzaian

Updated July 17, 2023

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4 minute read

Article Contents

What Will My Car and Home Insurance Policies Cover When It Comes to Storm Damage?

Your car may be vulnerable to significant damage in a storm, and this may be true even if your vehicle is parked in a garage or otherwise protected against the elements. However, it’s possible that your auto or home insurance policies will cover the cost of repairing or replacing your damaged car or truck. In some cases, it may also cover the cost of replacing items inside it that were destroyed during a severe weather event.

What Type of Auto Coverage Do You Have?

If you have comprehensive auto insurance, there is a good chance that it will cover the cost to fix damage caused by a falling tree or flood waters. It may also pay for damage caused by hail or by a lightning strike associated with a severe thunderstorm. However, you should know that a claim on a comprehensive policy might be denied if your vehicle was destroyed in a tornado or in the aftermath of an earthquake.

Storm Damage Insurance

Fortunately, this is generally not the case if you have all perils coverage as part of your auto insurance policy. In such a scenario, your claim will likely be approved regardless of why your car suffered a damaged windshield, water damage or other types of damage that need to be taken care of in a timely manner.

It may be possible to customize a comprehensive or all perils policy based on your specific needs and risk tolerance. An insurance agent may be able to work with you to craft a policy that meets your needs and budget, and an agent may also be able to answer any questions that you might have prior to filing a claim.

Where Was Your Car When It Was Damaged?

If your car is damaged while on your property, your home insurance policy might cover the cost of repairing or replacing it. In some cases, you might have the option to choose between your home and auto policies when deciding how to pay for fixing your car or truck.

For example, if the vehicle was parked in the driveway when a tree fell on it, a claim on your home insurance policy should be approved because the damage occurred on your property. However, since the damage was caused by a falling tree, there is a good chance that a claim on your comprehensive auto policy would be approved as well.

Let’s say that your car was in the garage when it collapsed on your vehicle. In such a scenario, your home insurance company would likely be liable for reimbursing you for damages up to the limits of your existing policy.

The same would probably be true if your car caught on fire, was flooded or was otherwise harmed while sitting in the garage. This is because most home insurance policies apply to damage that occurs in structures attached to a main dwelling. Depending on the terms of your policy, it might also apply if your car was damaged while in a detached structure located somewhere on your land.

Secondary Damage May Be Covered by Your Home Insurance Provider

Let’s suppose that a tree fell through the roof of your home’s garage and caused significant damage to the structure. Fortunately, the tree missed your car, which means that it is still in good condition. Unfortunately, you can’t get the car out of the garage until the tree is removed.

In the meantime, the hole in the roof has allowed water and pests into the garage and into your car. This eventually results in rust and mould damage to the frame of the car. Furthermore, the car’s engine was damaged by a family of rodents that claimed your vehicle as their new home. In this type of hypothetical situation, the damage caused to your car as a result of the damage caused to your home will likely be covered by your home or auto insurance provider.

What Happens If a Car Collides With a House?

If you live in a densely populated area, there is a chance that your house won’t even have a driveway. Instead, your home will be located just a few feet away from a road or residential street. In such a scenario, there is a chance that a car will be overtaken by quickly moving flood waters and carried into your home.

It’s also possible that a driver could lose control of his or her vehicle while driving on an icy road and slam into your house. Typically, the driver’s car insurance policy would pay for damage to your home up to the limits of that policy. If your car drives into another person’s house, your insurance provider would write a check to pay for any damage that you caused up to your policy’s limits.

Your Car Insurance Policy May Cover More Than the Cost of Repairs

It’s not uncommon, especially with most of the best auto insurance companies, for car insurance policies to reimburse you for the cost of a rental vehicle while yours is in the shop. It may also reimburse you for the cost of towing your car to the shop where repairs will be conducted. Finally, if a storm occurs while you are away from home, you might be entitled to a stipend that can be used to pay for food, a hotel room or other basic expenses.

What Happens If My Insurance Policy Doesn’t Cover All of My Costs?

Let’s say that you incur C$10,000 of damage to your vehicle after an ice storm hits your town. Let’s also say that the damage occurred on a side street, which means that you would likely file a claim on your auto insurance policy to pay to repair that damage.

However, your policy only covers repair bills of up to $5,000. In such a scenario, your insurance provider would give you $5,000 and you would be required to pay the other $5,000 on your own.

It’s also worth noting that you will be required to pay any deductible associated with your policy. This is the amount that you are responsible to pay before filing a claim. For instance, if your deductible is $1,000, you will pay that amount while your insurance company pays any other costs incurred after a storm, accident or other events.

If your car is damaged in a storm, there is a chance that the cost to repair it will be covered by a home or auto insurance policy. It may be in your best interest to review your insurance policies on a regular basis to ensure that it offers the right amount of protection for you and your family.

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